
Archive for July, 2008

Tips and Tricks To Avoid Page Rank Drop

July 28, 2008 3 comments
Tips and Tricks To Avoid Page Rank Drop
1. Do not become discouraged.
2. Check your PR again with another PR checker. Some online PR Checkers are not accurate.

3. Do your research, and try to figure out the cause of your PR drop.
4. Improving on your site, will increase traffic and PR.
5. Reevaluate and consider a different approach

Some tips to gain pagerank again

* Diversify your traffic. Not only from Blogwalking, try to gain traffic from forum, community or maybe email.

* Provide quality information and free products or services that get ‘good word of mouth’ recommendations from your visitors. Content will always be king.

* Be extremely careful of any out-going links from your site. Don’t link to bad neighborhoods (link farms, banned sites, etc.) Google will penalize you for bad links so always check the PageRank of the sites you’re linking to from your site.

* Onsite SEO factors does have an influence on rankings — make sure your site is dressed to kill. Pay attention to keyword density, title descriptions, meta tags, alt tags and interior linking structure. If you can, optimize your site for all three major search engines: MSN, Yahoo and Google. But don’t stop there, also submit your site to the countless other smaller search engines on the web. It’s the old adage, don’t put all your eggs into the ever-changing Google basket or you’re probably turn your site and yourself into one desperate basket case.

* Keyword rich articles are some of the best examples of this method, placing them on high PR sites will filter Google traffic through these articles onto your site. It will also warm up these visitors before they reach your site and they will be more receptive to any of your site’s offering; never underestimate the power of the Pre-sell. Build enough of these links and a sudden drop in your own Google PR ranking won’t drastically affect your bottom line or the amount of quality traffic you are receiving.

Categories: Blogging, Tips Tags:

Amazing Door

July 16, 2008 1 comment

Guys look out this amazing door .. 🙂

i can’t imagine what sensor that use by this door ..

Crazy Door

IPhone Enterprise Application

July 15, 2008 2 comments

IPhone has been released, but we don’t know, what we are gonna do for our iphone when we buy it. Especially for business people. But dont’ worry right now has been released some enterprise applications for Iphone, likes CRM for Iphone, IGoogle, Task Management, etc. There is 10 enterprise application, for your i phone if you are a kind of business people, let’s check it out

  1. @task for iPhone – this application use for project management and task management
  2. Coghead Coglets – this application use for create database-driven Web apps using Web-based tools and without writing any code. Basically, you configure your own app, publish it on, and share it with the community or not, as you like
  3. Etelos CRM for IPhone – it’s manage all those things salespeople need to track and manage: contacts, leads, pitch meetings, retreats, etc. It’s also
  4. iGoogle – this aplication you Gmail, the Calendar, the Reader, and access to Google Docs
  5. iZoho – with this applications you can use Writer, Sheet, Show, Mail, and Creator
  6. NetSuite SuitePhone – this application lets you run a range of NetSuite operations from your iPhone. like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce functionality. Users can view dashboards, manage leads, check forecasts, generate quotes and orders, view reports, and even create expense reports right in the palm of hand
  7. Pentaho iPhone BI extension – it’s kind of reporting application supporting with pie chart, users can drill down into interactive reports and navigate their way around dashboards displaying predefined performance indicators.
  8. Salesforce Mobile – this applications lets users initiate customer contact (by phone or e-mail) through the CRM application. Users can also have customer information sent directly to their iPhone and navigate through customer records.
  9. SugarCRM 5.1 – This popular opensource CRM Softwares lets iPhone users to view and edit records in all core modules of the company’s Sales Force Automation solution, including Opportunity, Contact, and Account Management. Expect full search capabilities plus hyperlinked phone numbers and e-mail addresses for quick dialing and messaging.
  10. Zimbra for iPhone 2.0 – it’s called Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS). It’s stands out with tight integration of e-mail, calendar, contacts, IM, and even XML-based documents and spreadsheets.